Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In the beginning...

My first blog thanks to my friend, Hugh!
Many thoughts are running through my head this wintry day, Feb. 2, 2010, the feast day of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Yes, Jesus' parents took him to the Temple when he was of age and presented him to the elders. Oh the delight of the happy couple who knew they were holding God in their arms! And who was it but Simeon who said that now he could rest because he had seen the Christ Child. He knew! I long to know more the presence of God in my life as most of us do.
So many priests have taught me and book after book I have read and yet the insatiable thirst is still there. One I believe that will exist until the end of my days. St. Augustine said it best when he said his soul was on fire for love of God and would not be satisfied until he was with God. I know that holy longing.
I will close with these thoughts as I go about finishing my blog. Here am I Lord. I have come to do your will. Kathy

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