Tuesday, November 20, 2012

In Thanksgiving for Shoes

What am I thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

I remember the shoes of my life.

In high school my favorite shoes were Keds tennis shoes. White with the blue logo on the back. That royal blue seal of approval was worn by most every girl in my high school in Rogers, Arkansas. Looking back I believe one of the reasons we loved these shoes is because our school colors were royal blue and white. I loved wearing my tennies to football games to cheer on our Mountie team.

When I met my husband Eddie I was wearing the latest fashion: platforms. Yes the tallest shoes I've ever possessed those white platform heels were an amazing pair of shoes. They were the favorite shoes of my life. When I met Eddie I was wearing a blue mini dress and those platforms. What a tall gal I was in those shoes when I met my handsome husband!

Pink satin heels were the shoes I wore to my daughter's wedding. What a magnificent day! I was only 40 years old when my daughter walked down the aisle. I was not going to wear a matronly mother's dress so I chose a Waters and Waters pink dress with a peplum waist. What a blessed day. I still have those shoes and the dress.

One of my greatest adventures was a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Monsignor Hebert suggested very comfortable shoes for walking a whole lot. I picked out some white Reeboks that carried me over the cobblestones where Jesus walked. I treasured those shoes because of that significant lifetime moment. The Vatican was our next stop and I had chosen dark gray, suede, lace-up ankle boots. My first visit to the heart of my Church was a holy moment requiring black clothing in my opinion. Not only black attire for the whole occasion but a requirement for my first view of the Holy Father. Yes, I was in the presence of Pope John Paul II and received his blessing wearing my favorite black pumps.

On a return trip to Rome several years later, I chose the most expensive pair of shoes I own and I don't even know the brand. Walking in Rome with a new found friend from South Africa was an unforgettable moment. We met there for a Catholic Press journey to witness the installation of the newest cardinals. Cardinal John Foley was so honored. Elva, the lady from South Africa, and I are still friends today maintaining our friendship via email.

Today my favorite shoes are simply the ones I am wearing at the moment. 

And for that I am extremely grateful! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mother's Day is for grandmothers too!

May is Mother's month.

Mother's Day is celebrated in less than one week; however, this month I will celebrate being a grandmother!

Camren, my oldest granddaughter, will be 19 years old on May 27. A vivacious young woman just completing her first year of college, Camren aspires a singing/acting career. She has the gifts to accomplish her goal. With her scholarship in music she should climb mountain tops I could never even approach. How good to see one's grandchild at the brink of attaining something I wanted all my life!

Meagan, my second granddaughter, will graduate from Mount St. Mary Girls School (MSM) on May 28. She is an amazing artist. Her work has kept her grounded and helped her set a realistic goal of teaching art. She is enrolled at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) next fall. Meagan's gMay is Mother's month.

Camren, my oldest granddaughter, will be 19 years old on May 27. A vivacious young woman just completing her first year of college, Camren aspires a singing/acting career. She has the gifts to accomplish her goal. With her scholarship in music she should climb mountain tops I could never even approach. How good to see one's grandchild at the brink of attaining something I wanted all my life!

Meagan, my second granddaughter, will graduate from Mount St. Mary Girls School (MSM) on May 28. She is an amazing artist. Her work has kept her grounded and helped her set a realistic goal of teaching art. She is enrolled at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) next fall. Meagan's raduation is held at Robinson Hall. The girls wear long white formals!

Madison, my youngest granddaughter, will graduate from Christ the King Catholic School (CTK) on May 17. She is enrolled at MSM next fall where she hopes to play volleyball. Madison is an unbelievably talented volleyball player! She is a tall, well coordinated spiker!! Madison should have a scholarship for college if she just maintains her sport.

These three girls have brought so much joy to my life. Each is with her own special gift given from God ads a spark to my life like nothing else.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ordinary Time

When I write the words Ordinary Time, I am taken back to the late 90s. I have a distant cousin in Nashville, TN who writes her own music, sings and records her CDs in her home studio. The title of one is "Ordinary Time" based on ordinary time in the Church. Marie Bellet is the proud mother of nine children...the last I heard.

The last time I checked she was still at http://www.mariebellet.com/ singing her folksy songs about being a Catholic Mom. I love her music. She is quiet talented.

No Catholics existed in my family of origin--paternal or fraternal. So when my late father's cousin Dr. Ben Williams came back to the old home place looking for Daddy, he was a few years too late. Let me add here that the land my parents lived on and where I grew up had been in our family since 1854, when it was purchased by my grandfather Doc Hayward Williams. He is the connecting dot.

He is my great- grandfather as well as Marie's. Marie's father became Catholic when he attended St. Louis University. (I think that is what it is called.) Anyway it was a devout Catholic school and Ben fell in love with the Church along with a Catholic woman. They were blessed with 8 children.

One of those sons became a priest and was ordained in Rome. When I met him via email, he was back in Rome studying. I managed to go to Rome and meet him for the first time in St. Peter's Square.

The joy of having a priest in the family was overwhelming for me. I will continue in ordinary time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

St. Blaise

How many times I've had my throat blessed on the feast of St. Blaise, I don't know. Not as many as someone who went to Catholic schools I can assure you. The question is: Has my throat been blessed enough? Or is the blessing suppose to be done yearly regardless? I don't know.

What would a priest say? I think I know. I think we are supposed to go to daily Mass as often as possible when we can. At least that is what I learned when I studied the Carmelite way for two years.

I don't attend daily Mass now. Why? My first answer is because I no longer work out of my home. Therefore I don't jump up and get dressed first thing to go to work.

You know how I got to work on time all those years? By going to daily Mass, that is how. I arrived at 7 a.m. or shortly thereafter read from my Breviary, prayed before the Tabernacle and then received the Eucharist at Mass. I was ready for work then and arrived right on time.

Today after years of that schedule, I enjoy being at home. I keep up with current events as much as I can. Call it addicted to FOX News! But I really like knowing the political world. Like right now I am appalled at what is going on in Haiti. I don't know how to link an email yet, but I got one today telling about how the UN is misusing the money they have received.

Finally the computer gets my attention nearly every day. If it doesn't, my BlackBerry catches my important messages.

So St. Blaise on your day, I recall the times I was on the liturgy committee and helped arrange the candles to use for your sacred blessings. The Church is rich with many sacred traditions, and yours is one I admit I am taking lightly right now.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In the beginning...

My first blog thanks to my friend, Hugh!
Many thoughts are running through my head this wintry day, Feb. 2, 2010, the feast day of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Yes, Jesus' parents took him to the Temple when he was of age and presented him to the elders. Oh the delight of the happy couple who knew they were holding God in their arms! And who was it but Simeon who said that now he could rest because he had seen the Christ Child. He knew! I long to know more the presence of God in my life as most of us do.
So many priests have taught me and book after book I have read and yet the insatiable thirst is still there. One I believe that will exist until the end of my days. St. Augustine said it best when he said his soul was on fire for love of God and would not be satisfied until he was with God. I know that holy longing.
I will close with these thoughts as I go about finishing my blog. Here am I Lord. I have come to do your will. Kathy