Wednesday, February 3, 2010

St. Blaise

How many times I've had my throat blessed on the feast of St. Blaise, I don't know. Not as many as someone who went to Catholic schools I can assure you. The question is: Has my throat been blessed enough? Or is the blessing suppose to be done yearly regardless? I don't know.

What would a priest say? I think I know. I think we are supposed to go to daily Mass as often as possible when we can. At least that is what I learned when I studied the Carmelite way for two years.

I don't attend daily Mass now. Why? My first answer is because I no longer work out of my home. Therefore I don't jump up and get dressed first thing to go to work.

You know how I got to work on time all those years? By going to daily Mass, that is how. I arrived at 7 a.m. or shortly thereafter read from my Breviary, prayed before the Tabernacle and then received the Eucharist at Mass. I was ready for work then and arrived right on time.

Today after years of that schedule, I enjoy being at home. I keep up with current events as much as I can. Call it addicted to FOX News! But I really like knowing the political world. Like right now I am appalled at what is going on in Haiti. I don't know how to link an email yet, but I got one today telling about how the UN is misusing the money they have received.

Finally the computer gets my attention nearly every day. If it doesn't, my BlackBerry catches my important messages.

So St. Blaise on your day, I recall the times I was on the liturgy committee and helped arrange the candles to use for your sacred blessings. The Church is rich with many sacred traditions, and yours is one I admit I am taking lightly right now.

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